A combination of effective antibiotics prevent and treat gill rot, tail rot, vibrio disease, desquamated, white skin deis...
A combination of effective antibiotics prevent and treat gill rot, tail rot, vibrio disease, desquamated, white skin deis...
It can rapidly purify the turbid water and harmful impurities in the aquariu...
It can rapidly purify the turbid water and harmful impurities in the aquariu...
Treatment for the ornamental fish's white spot disease, white skin disease, rotten skin disease, chilodoniasis and bacter...
Treatment for the ornamental fish's white spot disease, white skin disease, rotten skin disease, chilodoniasis and bacter...
Treatment for bacterial infections that cause fish bleeding and purulence from wound, mouth, eye and abdomen....
Treatment for bacterial infections that cause fish bleeding and purulence from wound, mouth, eye and abdomen....
Treatment for dermatomycosis(i.e. White sores disease) that caused by mycotic infection when the fish is local injured...
Treatment for dermatomycosis(i.e. White sores disease) that caused by mycotic infection when the fish is local injured...